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Registered Nurse - Pediatric ICU (PICU) (PIC15047)
1st to Apply
Nights, 4x12
Start date
November 25, 2024
13 weeks
Open positions

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Facility name 

Omaha, NE

Health system

Your paycheck
Above Avg. Pay
Weekly Earnings
Travel Per Diems
Meals$80 x 7 days = $560
Housing$122 x 7 days = $854
Est. Total Weekly Payout
Nomad insights
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Higher pay

Compared to other agencies for similar jobs

Higher pay

Compared to some other sample text, across the country

Getting the job
Quickly Submitted
Most of our clinicians get submitted to the facility within 3 hours*
*If application items require further review from our team, submission times may be delayed.

Why Nomad?

Nomad provides you with all the tools, benefits, and support to land the most rewarding assignments.

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Clinician-empowering technology

Our dynamic digital platform saves you time by matching you to open travel healthcare positions all over the country.

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Premium pay

With industry-leading pay and GWW (Guaranteed Work Week), you can start making big moves towards your financial goals.

comprehensive reimbursements icon

Benefits and reimbursement

Get access to medical, dental, and vision insurance, as well as a 401(k), malpractice insurance, and partial travel reimbursement.

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Expert support and resources

Our knowledgeable Nomad Navigators can provide guidance before, during, or after your assignment.

Next steps with Nomad
  • 1.
    Complete your application
    Apply to jobs that match your goals in as little as one click.
  • 2.
    Let Nomad take it forward
    Nomad will submit you to the facility quickly, and reach out only if any additional items are needed for your submission.
  • 3.
    Start seeing patients
    When you accept an offer, an experienced Nomad Navigator will walk you through credentialing and support you on your assignment.
More questions? Learn more about Nomad’s application and submission process.