Physical Therapist Travel Jobs in California

Nomad Health helps Physical Therapist professionals find high-paying travel jobs in California. Physical Therapist travel jobs at Nomad come with fully loaded travel benefits including medical, dental, vision, and malpractice insurance on top of a 401(k) with employer matching. Nomad also offers reimbursements for scrubs, licenses, certifications, and up to $1,000 for travel to your assignment. Browse Nomad’s full list of Physical Therapist travel jobs in California below to start the next journey in your career.

General - Physical Therapist
Fresno, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Quincy, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Auburn, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Alturas, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Alturas, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Santa Rosa, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Alturas, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Alturas, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Yuba City, CA
/ wk
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General - Physical Therapist
Petaluma, CA
/ wk
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California Physical Therapist Travel Jobs FAQs

No, getting a job as a Physical Therapist traveler in California is not hard as long as you meet certain educational and certification requirements determined by the California Physical Therapist credentialing board.
To apply for a Physical Therapist travel job in California, create an account online or with the Nomad mobile app and fill out your profile. Next, submit your application to any of the Physical Therapist jobs on Nomad that you feel qualified for.
Yes. Traveling Physical Therapist professionals are in high demand due to several factors including staffing shortages, specialty staffing gaps, and geographic mobility.