Introducing: Saved Search and Application Autopilot

The dynamic duo changing the application game for the better

Finding a travel job can be an adventure in itself, and not always an easy one. It’s recruiters. It’s multiple job agencies. It’s scrambling to get reference letters together. It’s getting your hopes up only to find out that the job you applied for was already filled.

We get it, because many of us have been right where you are. At Nomad, we are continuously striving to create something better. How can we help our clinicians stand out and get ahead of the curve? And how can we make all of this easier? Finding a travel job should be quick, easy, and stress-free, so you can focus your time and energy on the things that matter; delivering the best care to your patients and truly relaxing in between shifts.

Which is why we’re thrilled to announce two exciting new features: Saved Search and Application Autopilot.

Like any good power couple, these two features are good on their own, but strongest together. The first (Saved Search) lets you build your wishlist, the second (Application Autopilot) lets Nomad submit you to jobs that match your wishlist. It’s a winning combo designed to get you hired for a job you actually want, and fast. Let’s break it down:

Saved Search

Saved Search allows you to create and save your ultimate set of search filters, including shift structure, location, and desired pay rate. Once that’s set, we can notify you as soon as a job is posted that matches your criteria (make sure your notifications are on). You won’t have to spend time sorting through job boards to find the gems because we’ll be sending you your matches as soon as they’re posted. Stress scrolling is out, meaningful notifications are in.

How it works

  1. Create your Nomad Health account or log into your existing one. Complete your Profile with all requested information.
  2. Start searching! Set your filters, including specialities, location, pay rate, contract length, shift hours, and more!
  3. Once you’ve set your filters and search, a button will pop up marked “Save Search.” Click on it and set your notification preferences.
  4. Once jobs are posted that match your Saved Search settings, you’ll be notified, so you can apply.

You can save multiple searches that match different things you’re looking for. For example, if you’re torn between wanting to work in Hawaii to escape the winter weather and taking a job in Colorado for an epic ski season, simply create a Saved Search for both, and see what pans out!

Saved Search | Nomad Health

Application Autopilot

Ready to turn it up a notch? It’s no secret that speed is of the essence when it comes to getting an offer. The faster you apply for the job, the more likely you are to get an offer. So we asked ourselves: what’s faster than pretty fast? Instantaneous.

With Application Autopilot, we’ll submit your application to jobs that match your Profile as soon as they’re posted. No more constantly refreshing your browser, or checking your Nomad app every five minutes.

And we don’t mean that we’re putting your name in for just any job, but jobs that match your personalized criteria, ie. your Saved Searches. Want a mid-shift travel telemetry nursing job in Washington that pays at least $2.5k a week? We’ll submit you for any that pop up! Maybe a night shift travel med-surg gig in Hawaii that starts in March? You got it—we’ll be on the lookout. It’s the epitome of “set it and forget it.”

You’ll be notified whenever you’re submitted for a job. Don’t want it? Just let us know! We’ll just withdraw your application. You can opt out at any time.

How it works

  1. Create your Nomad Health account or log into your existing one. Complete your Profile with all requested information
  2. Set your job Preferences.
  3. Head over to the Settings page, where you can toggle the Application Autopilot button to “on.” You’ll receive a notification if your application gets submitted.

Application Autopilot | Nomad Health
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